Command line usage

A command line interface is available for both implementations. Apart from some implementation details concerning standard streams, their behaviour is identical.


To convert a binary file to YAML, use the read subcommand:

bin_parser read input.bin structure.yml types.yml output.yml

To convert a YAML file to binary, use the write subcommand:

bin_parser write input.yml structure.yml types.yml output.bin


To convert a binary file to YAML, use the read subcommand:

./node_modules/.bin/bin_parser read input.bin structure.yml types.yml \

To convert a YAML file to binary, use the write subcommand:

./node_modules/.bin/bin_parser write input.yml structure.yml types.yml \

Please note that when installing from source, the bin_parser executable is not installed. Instead run the script cli.js as follows:

nodejs javascript/cli.js