
After having defined the basic types, the structure of the binary file can be recorded in a separate nested dictionary which is usually serialised to YAML. This file, usually named structure.yml contains the general structure of the binary file.

Flat structure

A simple flat structure is recorded as a list in which, for every variable, we supply a name and a type. In the following example we see the definition of a simple flat structure containing two short integers and one text field.

- name: year_of_birth
  type: short
- name: name
  type: text
- name: balance
  type: short

Loops and conditionals

Both loops and conditionals (except the for loop) are controlled by an evaluation of a logic statement. The statement is formulated by specifying one or two operands and one operator. The operands are either constants, variables or literals. The operator is one of the following:

operator binary explanation
not no Not.
and yes And.
or yes Or.
xor yes Exclusive or.
eq yes Equal.
ne yes Not equal.
ge yes Greater then or equal.
gt yes Greater then.
le yes Less then or equal.
lt yes Less then.
mod yes Modulo.
contains yes Is a sub string of.

A simple test for truth or non-zero can be done by supplying one operand and no operator.

for loops

A simple for loop can be made as follows.

- name: fixed_size_list
  for: 2
    - name: item
    - name: value
      type: s_char

The size can also be given by a variable.

- name: size_of_list
  type: s_char
- name: variable_size_list
  for: size_of_list
    - name: item
    - name: value
      type: s_char

while loops

The do-while loop reads the structure as long as the specified condition is met. Evaluation is done at the end of each cycle, the resulting list is therefore at least of size 1.

- name: variable_size_list
      - value
      - 2
    operator: ne
    - name: item
    - name: value
      type: s_char

The while loop first reads the first element of the structure and if the specified condition is met, the rest of the structure is read. Evaluation is done at the start of the cycle, the resulting list can therefore be of size 0. The element used in the last evaluation (the one that terminates the loop), does not have an associated structure, so its value is stored in the variable specified by the term keyword.

- name: variable_size_list
      - value
      - 2
    operator: ne
    term: list_term
    - name: value
      type: s_char
    - name: item

When using this structure on the input \x01hello\x00\x03world\x00\x02, the result will be as follows.

list_term: 2
- item: hello
  value: 1
- item: world
  value: 3


A variable or structure can be read conditionally using the if statement.

- name: something
  type: s_char
- name: item
      - something
      - 2
    operator: eq

Complex conditionals

More complex conditional statements can be built by using nesting. The following example evaluates the expression (1 == 2) or True.

- name: item
      - operands:
          - 1
          - 2
        operator: eq
      - true
    operator: or

Also see complex_eval for a working example.

Notes on evaluation

Since we use a general way of evaluating expressions, there are usually multiple ways of writing such an expression. For example, the following statements are equal:

Implicit truth test.

- name: item
      - something

Explicit truth test.

- name: item
      - something
      - true
    operator: eq

Explicit non-false test.

- name: item
      - something
      - false
    operator: ne