
Why this library?

Writing a parser for binary files requires reverse engineering skills, knowledge of encodings, and above all, patience and intuition. Once all knowledge is gathered, the person doing the reverse engineering usually writes a parser and, if we are lucky, leaves some documentation. We try to facilitate this process by providing the tools to do this in a uniform way. In essence, we document the knowledge we gain from the reverse engineering process and use this documentation directly in a parser.

Since the bulk of the types stored in binary files are standard, dedicated parsers contain a lot of boiler plate code. We try to minimise this by providing a framework where all knowledge is recorded in a human readable format (YAML files) while the obligatory boiler plate code is incorporated in the library.


In the following example, we read two bytes from an input stream, convert the read data to an integer and store it in an output dictionary under the keys weight and age.

output['weight'] = s_char_to_int(
output['age'] = s_char_to_int(

This approach results in file specific literals (like weight and 1) and data type conversions (s_char_to_int()) directly in source code. This has several disadvantages:

  • It is difficult to see what the file format is. This can be deduced only from the source code of the developed parser.
  • A separate piece of software needs to be implemented if the conversion needs to be reversed.
  • The parser is not portable to other programming languages.

Within the framework of this library, we attempt to solve the aforementioned problems.

By first defining the types, we can reuse them easily:

    name: struct

Now we can use the type s_char in our structure definition:

- name: weight
  type: s_char
- name: age
  type: s_char

By recording the file structure this way, the knowledge of the file format and the implementation of the parser are strictly separated. This has the following advantages:

  • The file format is documented in a human readable way.
  • Reading and writing of the file format is supported.
  • The parser is portable.


In order to parse a binary file, the library needs two pieces of information: it needs to know what the structure of the binary file is and it needs to know which types are used. Both of these information sources are provided to the library as nested dictionaries.

Example: Personal information

Suppose we have a file (person.dat) that contains the following:

  • An age (one byte integer).
  • A name (zero delimited string).
  • A weight (an other one byte integer).

To make a parser for this type of file, we need to create a file that contains the type definitions. We name this file types.yml.

      name: struct
      - 0x00

Then we create a file that contains the definition of the structure. This file we name structure.yml.

- name: age
  type: s_char
- name: name
  type: text
- name: weight
  type: s_char

We can now call the command line interface as follows:

bin_parser read person.dat structure.yml types.yml person.yml

This will result in a new file, named person.yml, which contains the content of the input file (person.dat) in a human (and machine) readable format:

age: 36
name: John Doe
weight: 81


The main assumption made is that the binary files are linearly parsable. File seeking or multiple passes over an input file are not supported. Also, there is no support for the chaining of data types, so currently, compressed and encrypted files are not supported.